It's Your Turn to be Part of a Startup!

And not just for a single startup, you will be part of all subsequent startups tokenized on the Domino Protocol Platform. For every $1 Dollar spent on the Domino Protocol website, you will get 1 Share of all new tokens created on our platform.

Therefore, the Domino Effect on the DOMI token pre-sale will not just stop at the end of Phase 6, It will be an endless domino of tokens falling one over the other. This Domino Effect will continue on and on into perpetuity

A Decentralized, Secure, and Resilient Internet is Coming.

Today, content is censored all over the web. To ensure that the content on your site cannot be removed in a censorship-riddled environment, you must host everything on your site on IPFS. This peer-to-peer file system supports the idea of decentralization and ensures that websites with Domino Protocol (.dom) Domains cannot be censored.

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